
Fundamentals - $200
*Anyone new to CrossFit will have to do the Fundamental Course before joining in with the classes.
The course is 4 x PT sessions, in which you'll learn and practice the base movements we use in CrossFit, as well as develop an understanding of how the group class will flow. During these sessions we as trainers get an in-sight into how you move, your level of strength and fitness and we can discuss any past or current injuries you may have.
Reduced rate available if you'd like to start with a friend or family member.

Monthly Membership - $185
*10% Discount for Police, Fire, Ambo and Military.

Student Monthly Membership - 20% Discount
*Please provide student ID.

10 Session Pass - $220
*Valid for 3 months

Drop In Class - $28
*Good for traveling CrossFitters that want to get a session in.